Reiki came to us from Dr. Usui in Japan. There are many stories about Dr. Usui, but what is known is that he went to a mountain where he meditated and fasted for 21 days. At the end of the 21 days he received an energetic empowerment that is now called Reiki. He was able to use it for healing and taught it to Dr. Hayashi (a former Japanese naval officer). Dr. Hayashi was able to teach it to Mrs. Takata, who then brought it to the western world. As you continue to learn about Reiki, you may find that the history of Reiki is quite fascinating. It developed in Japan slightly differently than it did in the western world. In Japan there was a more spiritual emphasis than may have been taught in other areas of the world. Frank Petter is a Reiki Master and researcher who has written several books on this topic. The Spirit of Reiki and Reiki Fire are two that may interest you on the history of Reiki.
There are 5 Reiki principles that, although many variations exist, are very important to the ideals of Reiki. The most important characteristic of these is the preface “Just for Today.” One of the most challenging aspects for most people is learning to live in the moment. We have a tendency to focus on the past or the future, but not the present. Each Reiki principle asks us to focus on themes that can improve our lives one day at a time.
Just for today do not anger – Instead of getting angry (which only makes you and others upset) try to release the anger in a productive manner. Take a couple of deep breaths, step away from the situation, do something creative, and then after a couple of hours re-evaluate how you feel and what can be done to resolve the problem in a more peaceful manner.
Just for today do not worry – Worrying is a stress inducer and waste of time. Instead of worrying try to focus on a positive goal and imagine how good it would feel to have a positive outcome.
Just for today honor/respect elders –This principle includes showing compassion and kindness not only to family and friends, but to strangers as well. Every person we meet teaches us something and we can learn from everyone. By being kind we put out positive energy, and what we send out to the world comes back to us.
Just for today earn your living honestly – Earning your living honestly means doing the best you can at whatever you are doing. If you are working on improving yourself, accept that sometimes you are not going to be perfect and be grateful for who you are at the moment.
Just for today be grateful – We live in a world where we want and desire, but rarely show gratitude for what we have. Yet in order to be open to receive more, we need to be grateful for all of the good in our lives. Keeping a “gratitude journal” may help promote this positive energy and can bring more peace into your life.