When you're trying to get work done, it's easy to get distracted by everything from the internet and your phone to coworkers who come into your office unannounced. But there's one way to increase focus and productivity that many people don't think of: lighting a candle. It may sound like something that belongs in an episode of "Sex and the City" or a Jane Austen novel, but for thousands of years, people have used candles as an effective tool for meditation. They've been used for everything from aromatherapy treatments at spas to religious ceremonies. Nowadays, there are even candles specifically designed with scents meant to boost focus and productivity levels while also releasing calming aromas into the air—whether they're made with essential oils or not (some contain synthetic fragrances). In this post we'll discuss why using candles can help improve focus on work projects...
The history.
Candles have been used for centuries to mark important moments in our lives. From lighting candles at a wedding ceremony, to lighting candles at a funeral, they are an integral part of every culture and religion. Candles have also been associated with magic, love and peace throughout history.
One of the most common ways we use candles is for productivity or concentration purposes in order to help us focus on what we are doing and avoid distractions from other things like phone screens or the internet browser that never lets you go!
Mind over matter.
Focus on the task at hand. The key to being productive is to stay focused and stop worrying about the past or future. Don’t let distractions get in the way. If something pulls your attention away from what you need to do, don’t allow it!
Don’t let other people influence your productivity. Don't take their opinions into consideration when making decisions: if they're not involved in this project, then they shouldn't have any say in how things are done! You're going to do whatever it takes—and if those around you don't like it, that's their problem!
Don’t let negative thoughts get under your skin and destroy everything around them because we all know that negativity isn't productive so make sure that nothing gets under your skin today! And remember: always keep moving forward no matter what happens because life goes on even when things go wrong sometimes but there's always another day tomorrow where anything can happen so keep pushing forward until then arrives."
The power of scents.
Scent is the strongest of all our senses when it comes to evoking emotion and memory. The brain can recognize thousands of different smells, which means you can use scent to trigger feelings and memories, whether positive or negative.
There are many different ways to harness this power for productivity:
Use scents that help relax you (like lavender) before bedtime or during meditation sessions.
Enhance your focus by using scents that increase energy (like citrus).
Purge clutter from your workspace with an aromatic spray.
Mood over matter.
You can have the best candle in the world, but if you don't know how to light it or what it means to burn it, all your efforts will be for naught. The same goes for getting into a good mood and maintaining focus: most of us know what a "good mood" feels like—we're happy and confident, we have energy and drive, we feel like we can accomplish anything—but few of us actually understand how to get there or maintain that state long enough for any real benefit.
The key is control. In order to effectively use candles as tools for boosting productivity, it's essential that you understand your own mind first and foremost. If you want something bad enough (in this case: focusing on work), then take whatever steps are necessary in order to achieve that goal (lighting certain scents at certain times). As I mentioned earlier: there's no magic pill here; all roads lead back toward YOU as an individual person who has certain habits/preferences/needs when working alone versus working with others.
Stay present
When it comes to staying present, one of the most important things you can do is focus on your breath. The next time you're feeling distracted and need to stay focused on what you're doing, place a candle in front of you. Close your eyes and take a deep breath as deeply as possible into your belly (this will help slow down your heart rate). Then try again. Repeat this cycle until you feel like all the air has left your body—that's when it's time for another breath!
Focus is a mindset
Focus is a mindset. If you want to be more productive, you have to stop multitasking and focus on completing one task at a time.
You need to understand that in order for your mind to be able to focus on a single task or subject, it needs to be free from distractions. If you allow yourself to get distracted by other things (phone notifications, computer notifications or people) then the very act of focusing becomes impossible because there are other stimuli competing for your attention!
Just remember to set an alarm so you don't burn the house down.
As you can see, candles are a simple and effective way to help you stay focused on the task at hand. They're also relatively cheap—a small jar of candle wax will usually cost less than $10, and most people already have some around their house. If you don't want to risk burning down your house with a forgotten candle (and let's face it, who does?), set an alarm every 30 minutes or so. That way, if your focus begins to fade and you need another dose of fragrance in order to stay on task, all you have to do is stand up and walk over there!
And that's it! Now go forth into the world with confidence knowing that your productivity levels are at an all-time high because they smell like cake batter.
Set a goal for yourself, whether it be to clean up your room or finish a project. Then light a candle and set the timer for one hour. If you feel like you still have energy left at the end of your time period, keep going! Just remember not to burn your house down when doing so because that would be bad.