How to know the perfect candle scent for you?
Finding the perfect candle scent for you can be a difficult task. There are so many options, and each one seems to promise something different. However, there are a few things to consider when choosing a candle scent.
First of all, take into consideration the size of your room. If you have a small space, then you should choose a lighter scent that won't fill up your room too much. If you have a large space, then it's okay to go with something more intense and strong.
You should also think about whether or not your home has any pets or children. If it does, then you'll want to make sure that the scent isn't too overwhelming for them! You don't want them getting sick or having headaches because of your choice in candles.
When choosing your candle scent, there are three important things to keep in mind:
The Mood You're Looking For: Do you want something sweet and comforting? A little bit more spicy? Or maybe something fresh and clean?
The Season: Is there a particular season that reminds you of a certain smell? If so, try looking for candles that have a similar feel (i.e., pine scents around Christmas time).
Your Personality: Are you someone who likes bold scents or soft ones? Do you enjoy something sweet or spicy? You should also consider what kind of personality traits might be associated with each type of scent (i.e., lavender will make people think calmness).
Finally, keep in mind what kind of mood you want to set when choosing your candle scent. Do want something calming? Do you want something romantic? Are you looking for something fun and lively? These are all questions that will help guide you in choosing which candle is right for your space!