Different Chakras For Healing
The chakras are a very important part of the human body and mind. They help to keep you healthy and in good spirits. But did you know that different chakras have different effects on your health? There are seven main chakras in the physical body, each having its own purpose and meaning. In this article, I will be going over all seven different chakras and what they mean for healing purposes.
You may have heard of the Crown Chakra, also known as the “Sahasrara”. This is the top of your head chakra and associated with spirit, higher consciousness and clarity. The Crown Chakra is linked to your pineal gland and third eye. It also connects to your higher self, as well as your connection to God/Goddess/Allah/Great Spirit/Whatever-you-believe-in-upstairs-to-be-your-higher-power. The color associated with this chakra is violet, but there are other colors that can help heal it too!
The etheric body (or energy) of our planet is said to be made up primarily from 5 different colors: red, orange, yellow green blue indigo violet (ROYGBIV). Each one has different properties that can affect us physically mentally emotionally spiritually astrologically etc…
The 5th chakra located at the crown will reflect what kind of work you need done on it; if there's an imbalance within this energy center then it might be a sign something needs addressing in order for things like relationships family friendships financial issues spiritual growth mental health emotional stability physical health etc...
The third-eye chakra is located between your eyebrows, and it’s associated with the color indigo, as well as the element of light. The third eye chakra is also referred to as the brow or wisdom center. It’s associated with our pineal gland, which produces melatonin (a hormone that regulates sleep), and our pituitary gland, which controls many bodily functions including growth and reproduction.
When we have a healthy third-eye chakra, we feel connected to ourselves and others; we see clearly; we are creatively inspired; our intuition guides us towards truth; we see beyond the physical world into spiritual realms; we have confidence in ourselves; we feel safe in our choices; and we trust that everything happens for a reason.
The throat chakra is the communication center of the body. It's where we express ourselves, speak our truth and communicate with others. The throat chakra also plays a crucial role in how you communicate with yourself.
If you're feeling overwhelmed by life and stressed out, it could be because your throat chakra isn't functioning properly. When this happens to me, I find myself wondering if I'm making the right decisions for myself or my family; whether or not I should continue pursuing my dreams; and what exactly am I doing with my life?
These types of thoughts are common when someone doesn't have a healthy balance between their heart and throat chakras: they have difficulty speaking their mind and being assertive because they've been taught they should keep quiet instead of being themselves — but this is just another way society keeps us from finding our true selves!
The heart chakra is the centre of unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness and empathy. It is located in the middle of your chest above your heart. When you feel a physical tightness in your chest when someone else hurts you or you feel that pulling feeling of being torn between two choices then it could be because you are experiencing this chakra being blocked.
If we understand how our emotions work and what they mean then we can identify the root cause behind them and help heal those wounds so that we can move forward into loving ourselves again. One way to do this is through meditation because it helps us to clear our minds from all distractions so that we can focus on ourselves without judgement or criticism from others who may not understand where we are coming from emotionally speaking."
The Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra is the seat of personal power, located in the abdomen. It’s associated with fire and orange, which are yellow-orange when combined into one color (like red and green make yellow). In contrast to other chakras that express themselves outwardly, this one reflects how you feel about yourself—and it can be a bit sensitive if you’re not happy with who you are or what you have accomplished. If there was ever a time for self-love, it would be now! Bring some warmth into your life by surrounding yourself with bright colors such as gold or orange—but make sure they aren’t too bright; otherwise they could overstimulate this energy center instead of calming it down!
The sacral chakra is located just above the sacrum, or tailbone. It's responsible for your creativity and intuition—it also gives you a strong sense of self-worth.
When this chakra is out of balance, it can cause irritability and mood swings due to low energy levels. You may also experience feelings of insecurity or lack of motivation.
This chakra is located at the base of your spine and it's associated with our sense of security and survival. It also has to do with our sense of belonging, connection to others, as well as how we feel about ourselves.
When this chakra is out of alignment, you may experience anxiety and fear about being alone or not being loved by someone else (such as a partner). You might also feel like there isn't enough love in your life, or that you don't have enough food/money/clothes etc.
Different Chakras for Healing
Chakra healing is a great way to help your body heal itself. It can be used on anyone, and it’s something you can do yourself. The word “chakra” means “discs of light,” and there are seven different chakras in the body. Your chakras are located along your spine and are connected to different parts of your body, including the heart and stomach areas. Each one has its own color and power which helps with healing specific issues like pain or stress.
Each chakra has its own purpose for helping with energy flow throughout the body:
Root Chakra - This is located at the base of your tailbone where it connects with all four legs (the base). It governs survival instincts such as security, food supply and shelter from danger (ex: earthquakes) as well as personal needs such as emotional connections (family). When this center is open then you will feel grounded emotionally but if blocked then there may be difficulty finding one's place within society due to lack of confidence or fear associated with failure being too high risk factor preventing success because they aren't willing to take risks necessary because they don't want others judging them negatively so therefore don't try anything new instead opting out entirely which leads only towards stagnation instead growth!
The chakras are powerful gateways to healing, but they're not the only way to get there. If you’re suffering from a disease or condition that isn't connected with your energy centers, then it's time to consider other options like medication and surgery before turning to alternative methods of treatment like yoga or meditation.